Managing Diabetes with Yoga: Essential Poses, Pranayama, & Mudra Practices  to Try – Fitsri Yoga

As the world fights against the rapidly rising diabetes rates, one of the most ancient practices has emerged as an important supplement to treatment. Some specific poses, when practised along with daily life, can help to improve insulin sensitivity, reduce blood sugar levels, and generally enhance the well-being of any person suffering from diabetes.

Let us have a look at the Top 10 yoga exercises for diabetes:

1. Mountain pose- This is particularly important for diabetics who suffer from peripheral neuropathy or generally with “imbalance”.

2. Downward-facing dog- This position would help to push blood circulation and flexibility and reduce stress. Each of these benefits will go a long way toward helping improve diabetes management.

3. Warrior Pose- Good for the strength of legs, balance, and the health of the heart. These are very important for a patient with diabetes.

4. A forward-bend pose- It stretches the pancreas to make the organ more sensitive to insulin, and it alleviates strain against high blood sugar levels.

5. Plow pose- Increases metabolic rates, enhances healthy thyroid function, and increases sensitivity to insulin, respectively. Through these aspects, the mode of traditional yoga may help the diabetic patient to control diabetes.

6. Shoulder stand- This increases lymphatic drainage, improves oedema, and improves blood circulation in the patients. 

7. Seated twist- Best for diabetics as it promotes insulin sensitivity, lowers stress levels, and increases pancreas activity.

8. Cobra pose- This type of pose that a diabetic patient could use to strengthen back muscles, improve cardiovascular health and increase overall flexibility.

9. Tree pose- This is good for diabetes management, to bring in a balance, to relieve stress and generally to improve well-being.

10. Child’s pose- It helps relieve the mind from stress, calms the spirit and stretches the body, thus helping with controlling blood sugar.

An infusion of yoga into the fabric of daily life can keep the blood sugar levels in check. However, consulting a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise regimen is always advisable, especially when some pre-existing conditions are being considered. With yoga being combined with conventional treatments and lifestyle modifications, diabetes patients could benefit further in acquiring health and well-being.

By Caesar

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